TOS must be read before any commission

- By commissioning me you have read and agree to my TOS- Half or all payment upfront with PayPal only (USD)- Half of the payment is NON-REFUNDABLE- I will only begin work once I receive payment (whether full or half)-In the occasion that I am unable to work on a commission after the initial payment has been made for whatever reason, you will receive a full refund, however this does not apply if you decide to cancel the commission at any point work has been done, half of the price is still non-refundable- Prices depicted are BASE, meaning they are subject to change depending on complexity- Know what you want when commissioning, I will only allow up until 3 changes in the clean sketch phase, anything more than that will be an extra charge of $10 flat for each change, however if there’s a change to be made in the lineart stage or further the base price will be $15 and will be subject to change depending on the complexity of the alteration- If you wish to make an edit to my drawing to specify an alteration you wish to be made, ask me beforehand- Absolutely NO ghosting, if for some reason you are no longer interested in commissioning me LET ME KNOW you are not hurting my feelings by rejecting/ turning me down for whatever reason it may be, failure to respond after 3 days after a quote is given with 0 notice will result in a blacklist- I will be honest, my time frame of working on comms is within 2 months If not sooner, please be patient with me as sometimes life happens but I will update if it hinders your comm- Yes to OCs and furry characters any main media really- No NSFW, fetish content, overly complex mecha- I am open to hear a specific request if I had not listed it as a “no” but still reserve the right to refuse- After the commission is done I will send you the image via litter box link (or email upon request) and I will also post the commission onto any of my accounts and tag you UNLESS you let me know you would prefer I don’t or wish to be kept anonymous beforehand- You must credit me as “Tinstarbby” for the commission if you are to post it anywhere pubically- No commercial use of any of my works- I do not allow my art to be used for AI or NFT purposes- I have the right to refuse any commission

Full Color

TypePriceExtra Character
Full Body$60+$50
Waist Up$40+30


Flat Color

TypePriceExtra Character
Full Body$40+$30
Waist Up$30+20